professor dieter bimberg has partnered with ciomp to further progress on the frontier research area of green photonics. with an investment of more than 15 million rmb, the new center is another major initiative of ciomp’s ‘opening up’ strategy. it follows a similar investment in the launch and construction of the chunlei guo china-us photonics laboratory in 2016.
the research directions of the bimberg center will focus on long-wavelength quantum dot hibbee laser technology for next-generation lidar, mode-locked quantum dot quantum dot lasers for future terabit/sec metro communication, and highbit rateand energy efficiency vertical cavity surface emitting lasers for optical computer interconnects including module development.
an academician of the german academy of sciences, the us national academy of engineering, the russian and eu academies of sciences, the us national academy of inventors. former chairman of the institute of solid state physics and founding director of the center of nanophotonicsat technical university of berlin.
the inventor of the quantum dot laser, proposer for the concept of the hibbee laser, three times green photonics award holder for energy efficient high bit rate surface emitting lasers. max-born award (2006), ieee william streifer award (2010), unesco medal and award for 'development of nanosciences and nanotechnologies' (2012), heinrich-welker award (2015), nick holonyakjr. award (2018). honorary doctorates from u. lancaster and st. petersburg academic university.
1500papers, quoted for 55000times; h factor 105; highly cited author on isi web of knowledge.
elected as ‘outstanding international scholar of the chinese academy of sciences’ (orig. einstein professor of the chinese academy of sciences) based on ciomp.